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Fail fast and iterate

Our Head of HX, Jack Sails, is lifting the curtain on our research and development lab as we look forward to 2024.


Jack Sails



This year, we’ve taken an exciting leap into the realm of Research and Development.

Exciting indeed. This initiative is more than Googling what’s new out there; it's a deep dive into the future of experiential technology and building it in-house. From the ground up.

Don’t get me wrong – we love playing with gadgets, but that isn’t what this is about. We're curating, dissecting, understanding, and reassembling them to create things that are truly unique. The goal? To navigate through the common challenges in creating in-person experiences and adding that bit of technological magic to each solution.

Our approach is rooted in a 'fail fast and iterate' methodology. Innovation, by its nature, comes with risks. In our R&D lab, we confront these challenges head-on, learning and adapting rapidly. This strategy is crucial for removing uncertainties from our live client projects. We push the envelope in the safety of our lab to ensure that what we deliver is not only innovative, but robust – and of the level of quality that we and our clients expect.

Choosing what to explore next is as crucial as the exploration itself. We keep our ears to the ground, constantly looking at emerging trends and the evolving needs of our clients. It's a dynamic process, balancing potential and risks, weighing up investment against the prospect of possible breakthroughs. Our decision-making isn't just data-driven; it's also fuelled by our passion for discovery and innovation.

Every day presents a new opportunity – a chance to experiment, to learn, and to pave the way for something ground-breaking. We’re not here to sit around as passive observers of what’s out there; we’re active participants, constantly looking to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Looking to the future, we’re working not just to meet the current standards but to redefine them, to dream up and realise experiences that have never been seen before. We’re excited to share some of the things we’ve created. The future is bright, and we are just getting started.


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